
Originally, from Montreal, Danièle Bellemare Lee has experimented with many art forms. She obtained her master degree in movie script writing at the University Paris-Sorbonne in 2000 and has since, continued developing and studying in the field of documentary film making. She also completed several studies in the field of documentary techniques.

Reflexions, fire and water are recurring themes in her experimental work. Art films and documentaries are her fields of predilection. Together with the painter Maria Niermann-Schubert, she developed the concept of motion painting; a video interpretation of painted art.

In 2014, her first feature documentary « Von Narren und Hexen » (Of Jesters and Witches), plays eleven weeks in theaters in Southern Germany.

In her latest documentary, « Elena Lee, Pioneer Gallerist », she sheds light onto the work of a gallerist who devoted her life to the development of Canadian studio art glass and its artists. Elena's passion propels her artists into the spotlight.